A Lesson in Blackjack
Hi, my name is Joseph Pigliatti. I am also known as Joey the Pig, Juiced Joey, Joey the Big Ouch and Joey Cupcake. If you don’t mind, I prefer Joey the Pig. The good folks at gambleonthis.com have asked me to write an article about the first times I ever gambled. So, here it goes. […]
Gambler and Hex
I come from a land of violence. I do not share my real name with you for fear of revenge against my family. My story is very humble but sincere. It is not for the faint of heart. In my land money is freedom. If you have money then you can prosper. If you have […]
Is There A Casino in Heaven?
The first time I entered a casino I fell in love. I fell in love with the glamour, the noise and the lights. But mostly I fell in love with the action. There is nothing like a busy casino at 2 o’clock in the morning. You’ve got your high rollers, your hustlers and your little […]